Wednesday 2 November 2016

Aloe Vera for Chickens

It is a fairly tough old plant that can take a lot of abuse. It grows really big over the years and will throw out baby plants from the mother plant if you allow it to get that big. To propagate, just take these baby plants, twist off and plant.

Using aloe vera for chickens is an interesting subject. Aloe vera extract given to broilers in the Philippines at a rate of 3-4 teaspoons of aloe vera extract, per 1 gallon of drinking water found that the broilers grew bigger and faster than those broilers who had not been fed the extract. So if you are raising organic broilers aloe vera is definitely an option to get those broilers to fatten up quickly and naturally.

Aloe vera is also rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes that promotes overall good health in chickens. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, and E can all be found in Aloe Vera. 

Minerals found are calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and zinc.

Therefore, it stands to reason that if your chickens will eat aloe vera, they will definitely benefit from it. However, I have chickens that are very fussy, know exactly what they like, and what they don't and don't always eat what is good for them, so you will have to experiment with yours to see if they will take to it. If they won't eat it, you can always medicate their water with the aloe vera juice.

Aloe vera for chickens has also been used to treat bumblefoot and scaly leg. Here is a recipe.

2 tablespoons aloe vera leaf, finely chopped
1 tablespoons water
1/2 teaspoon olive Oil
1 cap tea tree oil

Blitz up in a blender and apply. Mixture should be thick enough to apply without it falling off.

You can use the juice from the aloe vera leaf just plain as well on any wounds or scratches that your chickens get. Just squeeze the juice from the leaf directly onto the wounds as aloe vera is nature's antibiotic.

Just as you can add apple cider vinegar to your chickens' water as an overall benefit for good health, so you can do the same by adding aloe vera juice. Even a teaspoon of Manuka honey in the chickens' water will do wonders for them and is a good addition if your chickens are sick.

In Africa, where aloe vera originates, local farmers who do not have access to more expensive, commercial medicines rely heavily on aloe vera for their poultry health and well being, especially to cure more serious diseases such as coccidiosis, Marek's disease and Newcastle disease in chickens. 

Leaves are taken, crushed and added to the drinking water and given in this way until the diseases are gone from their flocks. Recovery of the chickens from the aloe vera treatment was quick and usually within a 7 day period after being given the aloe vera.

I would suggest 3 teaspoons of juice in a gallon of water for best results to treat coccidiosis in chickens with aloe vera.

Aloe vera is a succulent that is extremely good for burns, insect bites for humans, and mores besides. 

To get the best out of aloe vera grow the plant either in your garden if you have a climate that will support succulents, or in a pot as a household plant.

Using aloe vera on chickens as a topical application, as well as an internal medicinal application can also be given. 

There are no side effects and aloe vera for chickens quite safe to us.


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